Hematological Oncology
What is hematological oncology? Hematology-oncology combines two fields of medicine: hematology, the study of blood, and oncology, the study of
What is hematological oncology? Hematology-oncology combines two fields of medicine: hematology, the study of blood, and oncology, the study of
The cells responsible for blood production in the human organism are stem cells in the bone marrow. Transplantation of cells
The rate of treatment of cancer and non-cancer blood diseases in hematology is increasing day by day. Bone marrow transplantation
Pediatric hematology is a branch of science that examines blood and bone marrow diseases. Cancer patients are also treated in
Thalassemias also called in their major form anemia or Cooley’s disease (Thomas Benton Cooley), are forms of hereditary anemia, part
In summary In patients with blood cancer, there is an abnormal development of blood cells or cells that make up